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What to do

Just post your problem either anonymously or under your blog name. Keep it general in other words do not go confessing to murdering your grandma online or telling me where your stash is.I will respond to your comment with some advice. Do not be concerned that your problem may be too minor. This is a service not an advert. Good god a lawyer doing something for free that cannot be. Just get over it.


Anonymous said…
How much experience do you have?
Seriousfraud said…
Admitted as a lawyer in 1984 I have practised as a criminal lawyer ever since.
Anonymous said…
Hi there,
I got a ticket for $150 for failing to keep left (I crossed the white line). The cop has put the incorrect car rego on the ticket by leaving one letter off. Is this enough to get me off the fine?
Cheers Hamish
Seriousfraud said…
Hi Hamish many apologies for not picking up on you post.things have been a bit hectic lately and I forgot to check the blog.Unfortunately the failure by the cop to record the correct rego number on the ticket will not get you off the fine.
Anonymous said…
im 15. my doctor prescribed me an antiphycotic drug with life threating side effects and told me they were sleeping pills. Is this legal? the doctors have run no tests to show that i am phycotic. I believe that my parents have also consented. However i had no knowledge they where not sleeping pills.
Anonymous said…
Hi,what is likely to happen when been convicted of welfare fraud with 3 or 4 charges?
K-Welly said…
Hi, Im going up on 42 Fraud chages that vary. Ive enterd no plea am I goin 2 jail
Anonymous said…
Hi K welly

U a little sparse on the info there.Can you give me some more detail. For instance how much money is involved and what are the circumstances of the allegations against you.

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